Planning and Building
FAQ: Before Calling City Hall With Questions Regarding Building in Turner
What is the building permitting process?
For most structural remodels of existing buildings and any new buildings over 200 sq ft, a building permit is required. This is applied for at City Hall in Turner and processed by Marion County Building. Remodel level fees are often $500 or less, while a new home can run up to $3000 for permitting fees, not including other fees such as SDCs and the CET. Questions on the review process and requirements can be answered at Marion County Building: 503-588-5147.
The City of Turner has a contract agreement with Marion County to provide full service programs for permit, plan review and inspection services for Building, Manufactured Dwelling, Electrical, Plumbing and Mechanical permits.
All applications requiring zoning review and approval (Building & Manufactured Dwelling) may be submitted directly to Marion County Building by e-mailing or contractors may use the online e-permitting site. Marion County e-permitting Permits for Electrical, Plumbing, and Mechanical work may be obtained at Marion County Building Department, 5155 Silverton Rd NE, Salem, OR 97305.
Marion County will review all construction plans for compliance with required codes and then processes the application/request for permit. Once the permit has been issued and all fees due the City of Turner have been paid, the plans and permit documents may be picked up at Marion County Building Department, 5155 Silverton Rd NE, Salem, OR 97305.
Submitting a Building Permit Application in the City of Turner - Here is what you need to know!
For most structural remodels of existing buildings and any new buildings over 200 sq ft, a building permit is required. This is applied for at City Hall in Turner and processed by Marion County Building. Remodel level fees are often $500 or less, while a new home can run up to $3000 for permitting fees, not including other fees such as SDCs and the CET. Questions on the review process and requirements can be answered at Marion County Building: 503-588-5147.
The City of Turner has a contract agreement with Marion County to provide full service programs for permit, plan review and inspection services for Building, Manufactured Dwelling, Electrical, Plumbing and Mechanical permits.
All applications requiring zoning review and approval (Building & Manufactured Dwelling) may be submitted directly to Marion County Building by e-mailing or contractors may use the online e-permitting site. Marion County e-permitting Permits for Electrical, Plumbing, and Mechanical work may be obtained at Marion County Building Department, 5155 Silverton Rd NE, Salem, OR 97305.
Marion County will review all construction plans for compliance with required codes and then processes the application/request for permit. Once the permit has been issued and all fees due the City of Turner have been paid, the plans and permit documents may be picked up at Marion County Building Department, 5155 Silverton Rd NE, Salem, OR 97305.
Submitting a Building Permit Application in the City of Turner - Here is what you need to know!
Starting January 1, 2023, most building permits will be required to obtain a 1200-C NPDES Construction Stormwater General Discharge Permit from DEQ. You can find the permit application database here: Water Quality Permits DEQ. Please bring your 1200-C permit with you when you apply for a building permit at City Hall. If you are applying for a structural building permit on-line with Marion County, email the 1200-C permit documentation to
For additional information contact City Hall at (503) 743-2155.
How do I know if I need a permit?
Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, or change the occupancy of a structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert, or replace any electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, will need to first make application and obtain the permit/permits from the City of Turner.
In addition, the City of Turner now requires ALL commercial signs to have a City Sign permit. The permit is free but requires review of the project by the City.
If you are unsure whether a permit is required, Marion County has handouts available that will answer the question, "Do I need a permit?", for structures, electrical, mechanical and plumbing work.
The handouts are available at City Hall, please e-mail to request; by calling Marion County Building Inspection at (503) 588-5147 or on their website
What are the SDC's in Turner?
SDC stands for System Development Charge. This a fee the City charges for the portion of existing public infrastructure new development will use, that has been paid for by existing residents. Turner has sewer, water, streets and park SDC’s, and manages a school system excise tax. Be mindful that these are not fees to bring services to your property but merely hookup charges.
What about utilities?
When looking at developing land, the private developer is responsible for paying to bring the water and sewer services to the actual property and into the structure being proposed. Depending on the location in town, they may also be responsible for road frontage improvements like sidewalks. For some properties, services may be available at the property line. For others it could be some distance. Each property has a different situation and it is important to be aware of this issue.
What are setbacks?
Setbacks are the required distance which a building must be separated or setback for a property line.
They are different for different sizes and types of buildings. Generally, for residential, front yard setbacks are 20 feet, rear yard are 20 feet and side yard are 5 feet, for commercial it is 0.
Can I rebuild a house in the Commercial zone if it is taken down or burns down?
If a house is destroyed or taken down, either for personal reasons or act of God type causes, it can be replaced. However, the replacement must happen within 1 year from the time of demolition.
How do I know if the property is in the floodplain and what does it mean?
For Turner, houses that are in the AE zone are regulated as to insurance requirements and the required height of the lowest floor. These maps can be found on our website. Floodplain requirements can only be determined by the jurisdiction's floodplain coordinator, which is the City Administrator.
May I place a manufactured home on a lot in Turner?
Yes, manufactured homes are allowed on residential lots in Turner. They must be on a foundation and hooked up to City water and sewer.
For additional information contact City Hall at (503) 743-2155.
How do I know if I need a permit?
Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, or change the occupancy of a structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert, or replace any electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, will need to first make application and obtain the permit/permits from the City of Turner.
In addition, the City of Turner now requires ALL commercial signs to have a City Sign permit. The permit is free but requires review of the project by the City.
If you are unsure whether a permit is required, Marion County has handouts available that will answer the question, "Do I need a permit?", for structures, electrical, mechanical and plumbing work.
The handouts are available at City Hall, please e-mail to request; by calling Marion County Building Inspection at (503) 588-5147 or on their website
What are the SDC's in Turner?
SDC stands for System Development Charge. This a fee the City charges for the portion of existing public infrastructure new development will use, that has been paid for by existing residents. Turner has sewer, water, streets and park SDC’s, and manages a school system excise tax. Be mindful that these are not fees to bring services to your property but merely hookup charges.
What about utilities?
When looking at developing land, the private developer is responsible for paying to bring the water and sewer services to the actual property and into the structure being proposed. Depending on the location in town, they may also be responsible for road frontage improvements like sidewalks. For some properties, services may be available at the property line. For others it could be some distance. Each property has a different situation and it is important to be aware of this issue.
What are setbacks?
Setbacks are the required distance which a building must be separated or setback for a property line.
They are different for different sizes and types of buildings. Generally, for residential, front yard setbacks are 20 feet, rear yard are 20 feet and side yard are 5 feet, for commercial it is 0.
Can I rebuild a house in the Commercial zone if it is taken down or burns down?
If a house is destroyed or taken down, either for personal reasons or act of God type causes, it can be replaced. However, the replacement must happen within 1 year from the time of demolition.
How do I know if the property is in the floodplain and what does it mean?
For Turner, houses that are in the AE zone are regulated as to insurance requirements and the required height of the lowest floor. These maps can be found on our website. Floodplain requirements can only be determined by the jurisdiction's floodplain coordinator, which is the City Administrator.
May I place a manufactured home on a lot in Turner?
Yes, manufactured homes are allowed on residential lots in Turner. They must be on a foundation and hooked up to City water and sewer.
Building and Planning Forms and Documents - Land Use Development Code is located below.
Where can I find the City of Salem Standard Construction Specifications and Public Works Design Standards?