Turner Police Department
Welcome to the Turner Police Department. The men and women of the Turner Police Department share a common mission, vision and values in order to provide the highest level of service to our community and those who are visiting our community.
Our mission is to work in partnership with our community to provide effective police services in order to protect preserve and improve the quality of life that we now hold, while striving to recognize, defend and respect all whom we serve.Vision
The Turner Police Department is committed to excellence in leadership, providing progressive and proactive services, developing community partnerships and building for the future.
The Constitution of the United States of America and the State of Oregon – Recognizing the struggle and sacrifices made by our forefathers to insure the sovereignty of our nation and our state, we embrace the rights, protections and due process provided by these great instruments of freedom.
Human Dignity – Regardless of race, color, creed, or social status.
Peace and Safety – For all people and the community that we protect.
Honor and Integrity – Not just spoken, but displayed through devotion to duty and in our daily interactions with others.
Responsibility and Accountability – People should be responsible for their own actions, and so should government. Open dialogue and information sharing with the community is absolutely necessary for the survival of all.
Professional Relationships – Forged with citizens and local businesses by providing quality and dependable police services.
Community Support – Respect, trust and confidence in our ability to perform our duties in a firm, yet fair manner.