2023 Year End Report
2023 Year End Report
Following is a summary of City of Turner accomplishments/projects/decisions/actions for 2023:
Major Projects:
- Finished the playground area at Turner Lake Park to finish Phase I improvements
- Partnered with the Cascade School District to build a new poolhouse at Turner Elementary
- Completed two grant-funded projects to ready the Ball Brothers Building for sale.
- Paved the parking lot/alley behind City Hall
- Completed most of the water pipeline project on 3rd St. and building a new water pump station
- Study aimed at determining if the downtown area could be removed from the floodplain almost complete
- Initiated an update to our Transportation System Plan
- New crosswalk design for 3rd and Delaney almost complete
- Partial design completed for Downtown Stormwater Project
- Added Crosshill Christian School as a new user for the ballfield at David Sawyer Park
- Approved land use code and comprehensive plan updates
- Transitioned the front office staff from 1.5 employees to 1.0 employee
- Received a grant to do another master plan for Turner Lake Park
- Acquired a new police patrol vehicle and a public works truck
- Completed negotiations and approved a new labor agreement
Accomplishments continued:
- Added maintenance services to our Turner Lake vendor contracts
- Purchased a traffic data unit to document speed and traffic volumes
- Protected Eastwood Drive by removing some dangerous rocks on the hillside and installing a new fence and barriers
- Approved new regulations regarding homeless camping
- Started to use the City of Salem for police vehicle maintenance
- Held successful Turner Celebration, 4th of July and Taco Tour events
- Police Department operating with three police officers
- Initiated a review of potentially surplus City properties
- Sold the Ball Brothers Building, with vendors moving into place very quickly
- Started the process to rezone two properties from industrial to commercial along 3rd St.
- Completed updates to the City’s MS4 and TMDL stormwater permits
- Initiated a discussion of use of Federal stimulus funds (ARPA)